

You are invited to share with me the Joy there is in creating Art. I mean the "I can do it" and "it's fun" and "it's beautiful" kind of art, whether it is "museum quality" or not. Here you will find some of what I like to do and, I hope, share some of your joy, too.

Welcome to my blog, Rae Ann.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Word Verification Apologies

I apologize for the word verification being on.  I didn't even realize it since I couldn't see it.  It's only because I was emailed and made aware of it that I know all of you have been struggling with it.  I REALLY DO NOT LIKE THAT VERIFICATION and was glad I didn't have it (so I thought).  For anyone else like me, go into your blog dashboard, select settings, and look under comments.  There you have the option of setting verification to 'no'.  Thanks to all of you who struggled through to leave comments.
Rae Ann


  1. Congratulations! You won the image from the Made Especially For You Spring Blog Hop. Just send me a message and I can forward it to you.

    Carson's Creations
    coachfans at cox dot net
